Best Laid Plans: Pre-Cap 2020


Best Laid Plans: Pre-Cap 2020

Sale Price:$40.00 Original Price:$95.00

As we  step into the 4th (and LAST!) Quarter of 2020, it's time to set in motion how we will wrap up this most interesting year from both a personal and professional standpoint.

Join Mary Vernal and Beth Leas as we Pre-Cap 2020!  Let’s create a wonderful ending to this wild and crazy year!

Beth will lead us in an energy clearing and powerful intention setting meditation.

Mary will guide you through a process to connect with your future self and future life. 

Breaking through barriers and limitations, you will dream big and put in writing what you want your life to look like on December 31, 2020.  After you claim what you want, we will create a plan to make it happen, broken down into small actionable steps.  We'll shut down the mind crack and get you moving towards the future of your dreams.

Wednesday, 9/30 10am-12pm via Zoom

Specially Priced at $40 (valued at $95)

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